Critically Trying

× Characters Adventures World Where it Hurts Comics IRL

Memories on a Map!

Most of the Critically Trying crew's adventures have center around the Welkwood and Greyhawk-regions of Flanaess. Some memorable events and important places are detailed here.

World Map
  1. Verbobonc

    First meeting with Clive, in a dark alley. Bellas was smitten!

  2. Dyvers

    Home of Everything & Nothing. Where Ianroar's dragon-scale shield was crafted by Master Lucien.

  3. Greyhawk

    Yet-to-be-explored bustlin' metropolis.

  4. The Welkwood

    Home of Bellas, her Horizon Walker parents and their apprentice, Elladan Telperièn. Critically Trying met a fox-king here.

  5. Safeton

    Critically Trying almost took on new employment here. As slaves!

  6. Ghost Tower of Inverness

    Lots of the crew got burned here. Literally burned. And Bellas shot her own eye out.