Memories on a Map!
Most of the Critically Trying crew's adventures have center around the Welkwood and Greyhawk-regions of Flanaess. Some memorable events and important places are detailed here.

- Verbobonc
First meeting with Clive, in a dark alley. Bellas was smitten!
- Dyvers
Home of Everything & Nothing. Where Ianroar's dragon-scale shield was crafted by Master Lucien.
- Greyhawk
Yet-to-be-explored bustlin' metropolis.
- The Welkwood
Home of Bellas, her Horizon Walker parents and their apprentice, Elladan Telperièn. Critically Trying met a fox-king here.
- Safeton
Critically Trying almost took on new employment here. As slaves!
- Ghost Tower of Inverness
Lots of the crew got burned here. Literally burned. And Bellas shot her own eye out.