Clive Royston Limers

Clive spent his childhood in a Dyvers' Old Town orphanage. The matriarch was a woman known as Rosalba, and, like most of Dyvers' locals, her intentions weren't exactly altruistic. She used her children like her own little thieves guild. She even had a way to mark them; a small White Rose tattoo. All the whelps used in her schemes had this tattoo, and always on their hand. When a thief is caught, it's usually by the hand... so the tattoos were easily spotted, and often the crimes ignored by less-than-honest guardsmen.
After some years, Rosalba was found dead and her orphanage disbanded. Most the children either went to the streets, left the town or upgraded to other guilds in town. Clive ended up with the Assassin's, and has been there for quite a few years now. Living a lifetime on the streets hasn't been easy, as evidenced by his one eye and missing tooth.
Despite all that, Clive generally seems like a pretty happy guy. He surrounds himself with dogs, so... who can be sad with puppies around?
Human | 4th Level Thief | Lawful Neutral
Aged 31 years | Stands 6’2” | Weighs 182 pounds
Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Wisdom | Charisma |
13 | 17 | 13 | 13 | 11 | 14 |