Former Critters and Supporting Cast

Bellas Gruene Blixt, a young Half-Elf bard, was in the original lineup of Critically Trying. Skilled in poetry, singing and music, her instrument of choice is the hurdy gurdy. Bellas loved traveling with the group, and being the target of their often-poorly-thrown weapons didn't ever change her feelings. She was raised by druids-turned-Horizon Walkers, so travel, nature, exploration and discovery are close to her heart.
After an adventure in home, the Welkwood, she learned her elderly human father wasn't long for the World. She decided to take a break from the group to stay behind with her parents, Belenius and Ushālis. Bellas, her parents and their apprentice, Elladan, left the Welkwood to explore the desert; her father's final horizon.
If you ask most the other Critters, they'll say she stayed behind because Clive got her pregnant... If you ask Seahorn, he may even say something really weird like pregnant with him. But that's another story for another bard!
Half Elf | 3rd Level Bard | Chaotic Neutral
Aged 24 years | Stands 5’6” | Weighs 115 pounds
Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Wisdom | Charisma |
10 | 13 | 12 | 14 | 13 | 15 |

Lucien Erebus. Head of the Everything and Nothing Spice Shop in Dyvers. He's Clive's boss, but the whole crew did a mission for him that lead them to the Welkwood, then the Faery Realm.
Elf | 5th Level Rogue - 15th Level Assassin | Lawful Evil
Aged 100s and 100s of years | Stands 5’5” | Weighs 129 pounds
Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Wisdom | Charisma |
16 | 20 | 14 | 17 | 16 | 20 |